Donna is a California native and grew up in Piedmont. After graduating from the University of Denver, she became a Flight Attendant for World Airways during the Vietnam War and flew internationally. After being a stay-at-home Mom for several years, she ran her own automobile brokerage company for ten years serving personal needs as well as corporate needs. In the meantime, she volunteered several years for the Alzheimer Association answering call on the help line and working with people who didn’t know what to do or whom to contact with the loved one’s personal issues. In 1994 she and several other women formed a national networking group of home redesigners (design with existing furnishings in homes) and several year later, became a certified instructor of redesign for people interested in starting their one redesign business. The course involved not only redesign, but business planning, marketing and accounting. She has appeared on two “Decorating Cents” episodes on HGTV, She has contributed to two redesign books and one book on home staging. After moving to Rossmoor she chaired two Boomer home tours. As a result, the Boomer Forever Club was able to donate $21K to the Rossmoor Fund for the first home tour and $39K for the second tour. Donna participated in redesigning a Rossmoor public room.